408 animals killed as of the 12th of June 2013, that is the number of Rhino slaughtered in South Africa for the misguided people of the Far East who indulge in outdated beliefs and superstitions. No matter how much heartbreaking and valiant conservation work is done to stop poaching on the ground, without serious action at Government level, targeting China, Vietnam and others. We are looking at around 800 deaths in 2013.
Harping on that its all the poachers fault, is purely misguided, its only half the battle.

How many more will have to die for the ignorance of a few….
코뿔소의 뿔은 약이 아니예요
গণ্ডার শিঙা ওষুধ নয়
Рог носорога это не лекарство
قرن وحيد القرن ليست الطب
राइनो सींग दवा नहीं है
Rhino buynuz dərman deyil
Рог насарога гэта не лекі
Rhino adarrez ez da medikuntza
Chifre de rinoceronte não é medicina
Tanduk badak bukan ubat
رائنو سینگ دوائی نہیں ہے
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